Emerdepot provides oxygen concentrator solutions for both portable and stationary use. If you or a loved one need oxygen therapy in your daily life, then there’s no doubt you’re at least somewhat familiar oxygen concentrator machines. These devices were created with the specific purpose of gathering oxygen and nitrogen from ambient air, quickly...
The artical provide an overview of about humidifier bottles, how to use it, types of liquid use, difference between distill water and normal tap water, benefits of humidifiers etc.
Nearly 44 million Americans are dealing with urinary incontinence every day. However, the National Association for Continence (NAFC) estimates that nearly 80% of older adults with incontinence are using the wrong product. As an incontinence products supplier, we understand how challenging it can be to find the right incontinence products....
All of us have a lot of views and questions about N95 respirators such as what and who they are good for. Can the general public use them? Can N95 masks be reused? Are they suitable for everyone to use? How long is an N95 mask good for? And the...
The past 2 years have been spent on learning and understanding the importance of various routes of SARS-CoV-2 virus transmission. Recently a new study that came out of Hong Kong suggests that the new omicron variant might survive a longer time on everyday objects compared to its early precedes. In...
Medical health care professionals are responsible for providing treatment for many kinds of illnesses, injury, or ailments. Patients trust nurses and doctors to provide excellent health care with the best products available.